3D Modeling

Precise 3D Modelling

Digital data models make an important contribution to the planning and realisation of new means of production. The question of what these should cover functionally is judged differently. The basis is formed by construction, interior design as well as infrastructure and production equipment. More advanced solutions include technical specifications of individual plant components as well as maintenance activities. The operator can use a tablet on site to check when the last service was carried out or which spare parts are needed. Or, in the event of a malfunction, he can determine the condition of components and receive instructions on how to proceed. Further functions are conceivable – and at this point the discussion begins about the extent to which other task areas should not better run in separate applications. Examples: Production control, production data acquisition, quality monitoring or intralogistics. Digital models should not be functionally overloaded. Separate systems reduce dependencies and thus offer greater operational stability.

Scanning offers new possibilities

In existing production facilities, documentation is often not up to date or not available electronically. This can increase operating costs. An up-to-date database is important for planned expansions at the latest. 3D models help not to lose the overview. A 3D model is classically captured with a laser scanning. A room is scanned with a laser, which generates a “point cloud”. This “cloud” is used to model the relevant components into an overall model that represents the existing equipment. As a new approach, photo scanning offers promising possibilities. It is inexpensive. It is quickly created. And you get a “photo-realistic” 3D model in which you can move freely, i.e. similar to how you move around with “Street View” in Google Maps. Photos are taken in the room, some of which are automatically combined into a 3D photo model. What you see in your model has photo quality. With this method, the dimensional accuracy is not at the same level as with laser scanning. But there is also a combined method where a camera takes the images for a photo model and performs a laser scanning in parallel. Similar to what is established in architecture, a model can be used to anticipate concrete insights into the future solution. This makes it possible to optimise arrangements, piping, operability and maintainability, as well as routes and logistics, etc. Time and costs are saved, and more operationally friendly solutions are created. Another advantage: because technical operations can be planned to a large extent with models, the number of necessary accesses to clean rooms with data models is significantly reduced in the regulated industry.